Flights from Cancun Airport CUN to Morelia Airport MLM

We've found the cheapest flights to Morelia

Returns from £210.40

One-way from £94.56

Flying between Cancún International to Francisco J. Múgica Internacional is very convenient as there are 2 airliners offering direct flights including Volaris and Frontier. The flight from Cancún International to Francisco J. Múgica Internacional is approximately 1,500 Kilometers which is 932 Miles. You should expect a flight time of around 2 Hours 35 Minutes.

The cost of ticket prices to Francisco J. Múgica Internacional Mexico can vary quite considerably if you travel at certain times of the week especially at weekends. To obtain the best prices for Francisco J. Múgica Internacional flights than book well in advance. If it is possible, you should book your flights 2 or more months in advance as ticket prices will be substantially lower.

Below you will see all the airlines that fly from Cancún International (CUN) to Francisco J. Múgica Internacional (MLM) and the number of flights they operate each day.

Flights Chart
AirlinerMoTuWeThFrSaSuFirst FlightLast FlightFlights
Volaris010100113:5713:57VIEW FLIGHTS
Frontier010100113:5713:57VIEW FLIGHTS

Volaris offer the highest number of flights for this route with departures times between 13:57 and 13:57.

If you wish to book your flight with Volaris then we advise you book direct from their website at The best discounts can only be obtained from their website.

The flight time for the selected route vary based on the month you will travel, but below we has summarised the most common times they will fly. We recommend you only take these times as guidance and check with appropriate airline for the exact times for the date you depart.

Flights Time In WeekDays
DayFlight TimesFlights
AirlineFlight  No
AirlineFlight  No
AirlineFlight  No

A useful tip to save money to exchange money before you go, or go to a bureau de change outside of the airport when you arrive. The exchange rate within the airport are not very good so try to avoid changing money their if you can.

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Flight Price FAQ - Cancun (CUN) to Morelia (MLM)

DIRECT Volaris
What is the cheapest direct flight one way from Cancun CUN to Morelia MLM?
The cheapest direct flight one way from Cancun CUN to Morelia MLM is £94.56 ($120 €111.88)
$120 | €111.88
Check Latest Price
DIRECT Volaris
What is the cheapest direct return flight from Cancun CUN to Morelia MLM?
The cheapest direct return flight from Cancun CUN to Morelia MLM is £210.40 ($267 €248.94)
$267 | €248.94
Check Latest Price
1+ STOP(S)
What is the cheapest return flight from Cancun CUN to Morelia MLM?
The cheapest return flight from Cancun CUN to Morelia MLM is £126.87 ($161 €150.11)
$161 | €150.11
Check Latest Price
Important Note: Prices shown are taken from searches performed for flights operating during the current month. Please use the "Latest Price" buttons to get the most up to date airfares.

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Flight Info FAQ - Cancun (CUN) to Morelia (MLM)

Who flies from Cancun to Morelia?
The following airlines fly from Cancun (CUN) to Morelia (MLM): Frontier, Volaris.
How far is the flight from Cancun to Morelia?
The flight from Cancun to Morelia is 1,500KM or 932 miles.
How long does the flight from Cancun to Morelia to take?
The flight from Cancun to Morelia takes 2 Hours 35 Minutes.

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Useful Information about Cancun International Airport

Cancun Airport Q4 2023 Sees Passenger Traffic Boom with 92% Increase

Cancun Airport Passenger Traffic Bounces Back in Q4 2023 with 92.48%, Exceeding Pre-Pandemic Levels

Cancun Airport Sees Post-Pandemic Boom - Dec 2023 Numbers Up 76%

Cancun International Airport has experienced consistent growth in passenger numbers from December 2019 to December 2023.

Cancun Airport Passenger Numbers Increase by 65% in November 2023

Cancun International Airport has experienced a remarkable increase in passenger traffic during November 2023.

Cancun Airport Passenger Numbers - Up 3% Year on Year in Q3 2023

Cancun Airport Fully Recovers from Pandemic, Surges 2.50% YoY, Surpasses Pre-Pandemic Levels in Q3 2023
